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How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill in 12 Ways

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reduce your electricity bill

In today’s age, businesses and households depend on electricity. With an increase in devices like phones, TVs, washing machines and fridges, you are likely to see a rise in your electricity bill. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce your electricity consumption. 

Here at Glenco, we have over 30 years of experience in dealing with electricity in homes and businesses. In this article, we discuss what affects your energy consumption and 12 tips on how you can reduce your electricity bill. 

Factors that influence your energy bill

A big contributor to your energy usage can be electrical appliances or electrical features. Excessive use of electricity and not using your appliances efficiently can result in higher energy bills. The seasons also play a role in your energy consumption. If you are in a climate like Australia’s, you may experience higher energy bills in summer due to the significant need for air conditioning.

There is a wide range of other factors that increase your energy bill. Unfortunately, we don’t exactly have control over a few of them. Global demands, imports, exports and government regulation are factors that may be out of your reach. But when it comes down to your energy consumption, simply being more efficient can save you a lot of money in the future. 

12 ways to reduce your electricity bill

No one enjoys being surprised by large energy bills. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to help you reduce your electricity bill. Most of these methods relate to being more efficient with your energy or cutting out bad habits related to electronics. Below we take a closer look at the different ways you can lower your energy usage:

1. Switch to energy-efficient LED bulbs

Something as simple as changing the type of lightbulbs you use can be significant in helping you to reduce your electricity bill. There are a few different energy-efficient bulbs available. The most effective is a light-emitting diode (LED) bulb. These bulbs can be expensive, but they are the best at reducing your electrical consumption. LED bulbs use a semiconductor to transform electricity into light. Old lightbulbs are usually incandescent, and only 10% of the electricity used is converted to light. This makes LED bulbs an excellent choice.

2. Limit use during peak hours

Depending on your electricity contract, you may be charged more for your use of electricity during peak hours. Peak hours are usually between 4 pm and 9 pm, Monday to Friday. Off-peak hours are when your energy consumption is the cheapest. These hours are typically between 11 pm and 7 am. Between off-peak and peak hours is known as the “shoulder”, in this time period prices can vary. 

3. Manage the settings of your thermostat 

If you have a thermostat in your home or workplace, then be sure to adjust its temperature to save on energy usage. Just a few degrees of difference can increase or reduce your electric bill by up to 10%. The temperature that your thermostat runs most efficiently on can vary. But it is wise to remember that every degree in temperature can cost you more. 

4. Upgrade powerboards

Be sure to upgrade any old powerboards you have, as they can increase your power usage. With today’s technology, you can find several “smart” power boards that are energy efficient. They use features such as limiting power to devices on standby.

5. Consider using a clothesline

Using a dryer can sometimes be a necessity for those that live in apartment buildings or the city. However, dryers can be quite inefficient when it comes to energy usage. If you have the space for it, then you should consider using a clothesline. It may be surprising how much you can reduce your electricity bill by hanging your clothes out in the sun. 

6. Upgrade your washing machine

Washing machines have been around for decades, and there are likely a few of us still using an ancient washing machine. In today’s era, you can find ones with great energy saving ratings. Modern washing machines can clean your clothes with minimal use of electricity. Be sure to compare electricity ratings before you buy a new one. 

7. Switch to a low flow showerhead

As much as we all love a long hot shower, they can be a big cause for increased energy bills. If you are not willing to have shorter showers just yet, then consider using a low flow showerhead. This limits the amount of water that comes out of the showerhead.

8. Use cold water

Houses that use electricity to heat water can be very inefficient when consuming energy. Depending on the climate you live in, having a cold shower might not be optional. However, you can still use cold water in washing machines and dishwashers. 

9. Switch off appliances on standby

Having appliances plugged in 24/7 can end up increasing your electricity bill. Appliances like toasters and kettles should be unplugged when not being used. TV’s, computers and consoles can also be turned off at the wall when not in use. Some energy-efficient appliances will switch off when they do not need power.

10. Use timers and sensors

To reduce your electricity bill, you should consider using timers and sensors. To save energy, you can limit how long you do certain tasks. Setting a timer for watering your lawn or showering can help you be a bit more diligent when saving electricity.

11. Use solar electricity

Solar electricity is produced when energy from the sun is converted into electricity. The science and technology behind solar energy continues to expand and become more efficient. Solar panels generate solar energy and can be installed on the roof of your home.

12. Install roof insulation

By installing roof insulation into your home, you create a “barrier” that helps to keep your house warm in winter and cool in summer. This can reduce your energy consumption and could save you up to 20% in heating and cooling costs.

Reduce your electricity bill with an in-home energy assessment

It is hard to imagine a world without electricity, we all benefit from it, but sometimes the cost of using it can become too much. Being aware and more efficient with your use of electrical appliances can help you reduce your electricity bill.

At Glenco, we have over 30 years of experience helping customers in greater Sydney with their electrical needs. We have a dedicated team of electricians who strive to offer you top-quality service and the safest of installations. Our energy management solutions include several services like our electrical energy audit

Contact us, to find out how we can help!

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