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What is a Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner and How it Works

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What is a Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner and How it Works

The majority of Australians rely on their air conditioners during the summer months. The Sydney area is lovely, but the temps do rise high and keeping things cool inside can be costly. In fact, the annual cost of cooling in Australia during the hot months is $2.4 billion.

And even with our mild winter temps, the cooler months require heating, which is a further financial drain for many families. Luckily, you can take steps to lower your energy bills. One cost-effective method for heating and cooling is a reverse-cycle air conditioner. These systems are especially well suited to the Sydney climate and can be expertly installed by the specialists at Glenco.

What is Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning?

A reverse-cycle air conditioner is an electric climate control system that heats and cools. It is super efficient and can take one unit of electrical energy and transform it into three to six times the standard energy output. With a reverse-cycle air conditioner, you will enjoy mild temperatures inside without worrying about high heating and cooling bills. 

These air conditioners commonly come in split systems, including an exterior compressor and an interior component. The system can be ducted or unducted, although the unducted wall units are often more efficient than some other models. You can also invest in reverse-cycle portable air conditioners with a high-efficiency rating and more flexibility. 

How Does Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning Work?

The reverse cycle air conditioning process may sound complicated, but your Glenco experts have installed many in the Sydney area. 


In heating mode, the unit draws heat in from outside air and spreads it around the home’s interior. It pumps refrigerant through an external coil that absorbs heat from outside. Then a compressor pumps refrigerant into an inside fan coil that then releases heat. The reverse-cycle air conditioner produces this heat even when the air outside is freezing. 


The cooling process operates in reverse from the heating process. You simply switch your unit to cooling mode, and it will absorb the heat from inside and release it outside. Your air conditioner can handle temperatures as high as 46C, so it is an excellent option for Sydney residents who experience some hot and humid days. 

Advantages of Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning

These units offer key advantages to homeowners and landlords who want to maintain comfortable temperatures while keeping their energy costs reasonable.

Energy efficient 

These models are extremely efficient, multiplying the effect of one unit of electricity by 3 – 6 times. In some instances, you may see efficiency reach 1000%. You will save money while enjoying a convenient heating/cooling source. 


You can keep your home pleasant all year long using one sophisticated unit. You no longer have to manage separate heating/cooling units, which can be expensive and time-consuming. If you choose a  reverse-cycle portable air conditioner, you can move it according to your household’s needs. 

A safer way to heat 

These units remove the fire and fume dangers that gas heating brings. You can run them as needed without safety worries. 

How Much Does it Cost to Run an Air Conditioner? 

The cost of running an air conditioner varies widely depending on external temperatures and the efficiency of your model. An efficient reverse-cycle air conditioner will cost around $1500 a year in energy costs

The Glenco Advantage

Australia’s climate is envied by many, but the heat is an issue in the summer. And you may live where the winter cold can be severe. A quality reverse-cycle air conditioner can improve the comfort level of your home while significantly reducing your energy costs. What is a reverse cycle air conditioner? The answer to your heating and cooling needs. Contact your energy experts at Glenco for more information on these products. Just fill out our brief online form or call 02 9700 9996.

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